Form Menu

The Form menu includes options for working with forms, including opening, closing, editing, and saving forms. Some options are available only if you have a form open.

Menu option Action Keyboard shortcut
Open Opens the Select Form dialog box, which you can use to locate and select the form you want to open.

For more information, see Finding and Opening Forms Using the Select Form Dialog Box.

For an alternate way of opening forms, see Finding and Opening Forms Using the Explorer.

Ctrl + O
Print Opens the Print Options dialog box, from which you can print a record or a collection of records.

For more information, see Printing Records or Collections of Records.

This option is not available in the web client.

Ctrl + P
Print Preview Opens both the Print Options dialog box and the Print Preview dialog box. Use these dialog boxes to generate a preview before actually printing.

For more information, see Previewing a Record or Collection Before Printing.

This option is not available in the web client.

Print Setup Opens the Page Setup dialog box, which allows you to set printer options before printing.

This option is not available in the web client.

Export to File Opens the Export Collection to File dialog box.

Use this option to export data from a collection to an external file that can be used in another program, such as a spreadsheet.

For more information, see Exporting Collections to External Files.

This option is not available in the web client.

Close and Save Changes Saves any changes made and then closes the form. If any records were marked for deletion, permanently deletes those records. n/a
Close and Cancel Changes Closes the form without saving changes. Any records that have been changed revert to their original values. Any records marked for deletion are not deleted and are no longer marked for deletion. n/a
Definition See Form > Definition submenu.  
Workspaces Opens the Workspaces dialog box, which you can use to define, save, change, and delete workspaces.

For more information, see Using Workspaces.

This option is not available in the web client.

New Sign In Opens the Sign In dialog box with the current user ID and configuration filled in.

You can sign in to a different configuration from the current configuration. You can also sign in with a different user ID.

In the web client, this option displays as "Sign Out".  

Exit WinStudio Exits the system, closing the software and all forms.

This option is not available in the web client.

Recent forms Displays a list of most recently opened forms, arranged in reverse chronological order.

To re-open these forms quickly, without having to search for them again, click the form you want to open.


Form > Definition submenu

Most of these options are for Design Mode and can be used only if you have appropriate editing permissions.

Menu option Action Keyboard shortcut
New Opens a wizard in which you can create a new form.

This option is active only in Design Mode.

Design Available only if you have the required editing permissions.

Use this command to select and open a form you want to edit.

Save Save changes to forms and global objects.

This option is active only in Design Mode.

Ctrl + S
Delete Delete the current form that is open in Design Mode. If a form is not open in Design Mode, the command opens a dialog box in which you can select the form you want to delete.

This option is active only in Design Mode.

Copy Use this command to make a copy of a form.

This option is active only in Design Mode.

Edit Template Use this command to select a form template to edit.

This option is active only in Design Mode.

Copy Template Use this command to make a copy of a form template.

This option is active only in Design Mode.

Unload All Global Form Objects Available only if you have the required editing permissions. The action can be performed in either runtime or Design Mode.

If you have changed your editing scope, you can use this command to clear forms and global form objects from memory. Otherwise, you might access forms and global form objects that pertain to your previous editing scope instead of your new one.

The command can clear the IDO metadata cache. Clearing the cache is useful in IDO development. To enable this option, select Unload IDO metadata along with global objects in the User Preferences window.

Ctrl + U
Site Developer Impersonation Available only if you have site developer editing permissions.

Use this command to specify whether you are creating user versions, group versions, or site versions of forms and global objects.

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