Actions Menu

The Actions menu provides options that deal mostly with records and collections of records. It includes entries for locating records, navigating through collections, and other features related to records.

This menu is available only if you have at least one form open.

Note:  The keyboard shortcuts are functional only in the WinStudio smart client.
Menu item Action Keyboard shortcut
Refresh Redisplays the selected collection using the current filtering criteria.

This option reverses any changes made to records in the collection and restores fields to their original values. Any records marked for deletion are unmarked and revert to their original values.

To avoid refreshing the wrong collection or subcollection when multiple collections are displayed, make sure the cursor focus is on the collection or subcollection you want to refresh before selecting this option.

Refresh Current Redisplays the selected record and restores the field to its original value.

To avoid refreshing the wrong record, make sure the cursor focus is on the record you want to refresh before selecting this option.

Ctrl + F5
Filter Filters a collection of records using the submenu options.

See the Filter menu table for a description of the options.

See Filter menu
Next Moves the focus to the next record in the current collection. F8
Previous Moves the focus to the previous record in the current collection. F7
First Moves the focus to the first record in the current collection. n/a
Last Moves the focus to the last record in the current collection. n/a
Get More Rows Retrieves the next set, or "bunch," of records in the collection.

The size of the bunch is determined by the data record cap settings.

Ctrl + M
New Creates a new, blank record below the currently selected record.

For more information, see Adding Records.

Ctrl + N
Copy Makes a copy of the current record and inserts it immediately below that record. Marks it as a new record. n/a
Save Saves any changes to the current collection without closing the form. Any records marked for deletion are permanently deleted and removed from the collection. Ctrl + S
Save Current Saves only changes made to the currently selected record. If the record is marked for deletion, deletes the record permanently and removes it from the collection. n/a
Delete Marks the selected record for deletion.

Note that the record is not actually deleted and removed from the database until you save the form or save the current record.

Ctrl + D
Validate Checks all fields in the currently selected record to make sure they contain valid values.

If invalid values are found, the system presents a message that tells you which field contains an error and displays an error indicator in the row label.

Once all values are found to be valid, the error indicator no longer displays in the row label.

Notes for All Opens the Class Notes form, from which you can view, attach, or detach notes that pertain to the entire collection of records.

For more information, see Working with Notes.

Documents for Current Opens the Attached Documents form, which allows you to view, attach, and remove file attachments for the current record.

For more information, see Working with File Attachments.

Notes for Current Opens the Object Notes form, which allows you to view, create, attach, and detach notes for the current record.

For more information, see Working with Notes.

Graph Opens the first page of the Graph Collection wizard, which you can use to generate a graph based on data from the current collection.

For more information, see Creating and Formatting Graphs from a Collection.

To Excel Opens a Microsoft Excel worksheet (or other application set to open .csv files) containing data exported from the current collection.

For more information, see Saving a Collection to Microsoft Excel.

To Form DataView Sends the current data collection to a DataView, displayed on the DataView Form Results form.

For more information, see About DataViews.

View Event Status Opens the Event Status form for collections that have the InWorkflow property set to "1".

The InWorkflow property gets set when an event handler executes against an update or deletion of an object with the Suspend option enabled.

Get Options (Available only with some report, activity, and utility forms) Opens the Get Options dialog box, which allows you to apply a set of stored criteria for record retrieval to the form.

For example, suppose you have a particular report that you run on a daily basis, using the same criteria for record retrieval. Rather than have to set up the same criteria every time you want to run the report, you can set it up once, and then, before running it, store the options, as described in the Store Options menu option.

Then, use this option to apply the same set of search criteria to the form the next time you want to run the report.

Store Options (Available only with some report, activity, and utility forms) Opens the Store Options dialog box, which allows you to save a set of search or retrieval criteria.

For example, suppose you have a particular report that you run on a daily basis, using the same criteria for record retrieval. Rather than have to set up the same criteria every time you want to run the report, you can set it up once, and then, before running it, select this option.

Then, to apply it, use the Get Options option.

Background (Available only with some report, activity, and utility forms) Opens the Background Queue dialog box, which you can use to schedule the report, activity, or utility to run automatically.

For example, suppose you have a particular report that you run on a daily basis, using the same criteria for record retrieval. Rather than have to run the report manually every day, you can use this option to schedule the report to run automatically at the time you designate.

For more information, see Background Queue.

Where Used (Available only with certain grid forms) Opens a linked Where Used form that shows where a particular value from the grid form is used elsewhere in the system. n/a
View Amounts (Available only on some utilities) Generates a report preview that shows the total value of the selected invoices. n/a
View Workflows Opens the My Workflows form, which you can use to create and edit saved workflows.

For more information, see Creating Workflows with the Wizard.

New Workflow Open the New Workflow Wizard, which you can use to create simple notification workflows.

For more information, see Creating Workflows with the Wizard.


Actions > Filter submenu

The Filter option on the Actions menu includes these submenu options:

Filter submenu Action Keyboard Shortcut
By Query Opens the query form associated with the current multiview form, which allows you to perform an advanced search for forms.

For more information, see Finding Records Using a Query Form.

Ctrl + Q
Begin in Place When a collection is being displayed, this option is used to clear the form so you can define the criteria for a new search.

For more information, see Finding Records with Filter-in-Place.

Execute in Place When no collection is being displayed on the form, this option is used to start a search based on the specified filter criteria. The system displays the records that match the specified criteria as the current collection.

For more information, see Finding Records with Filter-in-Place.

Cancel in Place When no collection has yet been displayed, this option places the form in Filter-in-Place mode, in effect displaying the active form with no collection displayed.

When a collection has been displayed and then the form cleared using the Begin in Place (F4) option, this option returns the previously displayed collection without requerying the database.

Clear in Place When setting up for an initial search, you can use this option to clear any filter criteria you might have entered and start over.

When a collection has been previously displayed and then cleared using the Begin in Place (F4) option, the system by default displays the filter criteria used for the previous search. This option clears all filter criteria so you can initiate a new set of filter criteria.

Apply Saved Filter Opens the Select Filter dialog box, which allows you to select a saved filter to apply to the current form.

For more information about saving filters and using them, see Understanding Filters.

Open (Available only with query forms) Opens the Select Filter dialog box, from which you can select the filter you want to open. When the filter "opens" it simply populates the query form with the saved search criteria.

Once open, you can change search criteria and resave, either by saving over the old one (using the same name) or saving it as a new filter.

Save (Available only with query forms) Opens the Specify Filter Name dialog box, in which you assign a name to the filter you are saving. n/a
Delete (Available only with query forms) Opens the Select Filter dialog box, from which you can select the filter you want to delete. n/a
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