SetObjectNew method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Marks an object in a specified IDO collection as "new", based on specified criteria.


object.SetObjectNew( integer, Boolean )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid IDO collection object.
integer Required. An integer indicating the index number of an object in the entries for the current collection.
Boolean Required. Determines whether the object is marked as "new".
  • TRUE: The object is marked as "new".
  • FALSE: The object is not marked as "new".


Sub Main()
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim SubColCache As IWSIDOCollection
   Dim strCompare As String
   SubColCache = ThisForm.Components(GetParameter(0)).IDOCollection
   For i = 0 To SubColCache.GetNumEntries - 1
      If (SubColCache.IsObjectNew(i)) Then
         strCompare = SubColCache.GetObjectProperty(GetParameter(1), i)
         If (strCompare = GetParameter(2)) Then
            SubColCache.SetObjectForceUpdate(i, True)
            SubColCache.SetObjectNew(i, False)
            SubColCache.SetObjectPropertyModified(GetParameter(1), i, False)
         End If
      End If
   Next i
End Sub