GaugeGetProperty method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface


Returns the value of a gauge component property as specified in the GaugeProperty enumeration.


T GaugeGetProperty<T>( GaugeProperty.propertyName )

  Part     Description    
 T Required. Indicates the datatype of the property value being returned (string, int, float, etc.).
<T> Required. Indicates a generic datatype parameter.
propertyName Required. Specifies the name of the gauge property for which you want to retrieve the value.


The GaugeProperty enumeration contains a value for each available gauge property.


For C#:

IWSFormComponent gauge = ThisForm.Components("gauge1");
string caption = gauge.GaugeGetProperty<string>(GaugeProperty.Caption);
gauge.GaugeSetProperty(GaugeProperty.Caption, "Total");

For VB:

Dim gauge As IWSFormComponent = ThisForm.Components("gauge1")
Dim caption As String = gauge.GaugeGetProperty(Of String)(GaugeProperty.Caption)
gauge.GaugeSetProperty(GaugeProperty.Caption, "Total");
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