SetListBoxEntrySelected method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface, List component type objects


Sets an entry or no entry in a list box (List type component) as being the selected item.


object.SetListBoxEntrySelected( integer, Boolean )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a list box (List type component) object.
integer Required. The zero-based index number of the list entry being selected.
Boolean Required. Determines whether the designated list entry or no entry is selected:
  • TRUE: Select the designated list entry.
  • FALSE: Select no list entry.


Sub Main()
   'Selects the sixth item in a list and highlights it in the list display.
   Dim iRow As Integer
   iRow = 5
   ThisForm.Components("list1").SetListBoxEntrySelected(iRow, True) 
End Sub
Sub Main()
   'Causes no item to be selected or highlighted.
   'In other words, deselects any selected items.
   Dim iRow As Integer
   iRow = 5
   ThisForm.Components("list1").SetListBoxEntrySelected(iRow, False) 
End Sub