SetGridCurrentCell method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSFormComponent interface, unbound grid components


Changes the focus of the form to the specified row and column in an unbound grid component.


object.SetGridCurrentCell( integer1, integer2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid grid component.
integer1 Required. Indicates the row number.

Row 0 is the row of column titles at the top of the grid component. Row 1 is the first data row.

integer2 Required. Indicates the column number.

Column 0 is the column of row numbers on the grid component. Column 1 is the first data column.


Sub Main()
   Dim iRow As Integer
   Dim iCol As Integer
   iRow = 1
   iCol = 2
   ThisForm.Components("MrpPlanviewTempsGrid").SetGridCurrentCell(iRow, iCol)
End Sub