ExportBlob method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOProperty interface


Retrieves a binary large object (BLOB), such as a graphic image, from a specified item of a collection and writes it to a file.


object.ExportBlob( string )

Part Description
object Required. A reference to an IDO collection item object.
string Required. The name of an operating system file to which the BLOB is to be written. This string must include a path. The path can be relative to the directory containing WinStudio.exe.

This method does not create directories.


This method is now deprecated and available only with item objects. Instead of this method, you should generally try to use the ExportCurrentObjectPropertyAsBlob or ExportObjectPropertyAsBlob method.


Sub Main()
   Dim FileName As String
   FileName = "C:\Temp\Splash_VBA_TEST.BMP"
End Sub