RemoveEntries method (WinStudio scripts)

Applies To

IWSIDOCollection interface


Removes specified objects (entries) from a collection and resets the row index numbers.


object.RemoveEntries( int1, int2 )

  Part   Description
object Required. A reference to a valid IDO collection object.
int1 Required. An integer indicating the row index number of the first object in the collection to remove.

Row index numbers are zero-based.

int2 Required. An integer indicating the number of objects to remove.

To remove all objects from index number int1 through the end of the collection, set the value to -1.


If int1 is set to an invalid row index, such as -1, this method does nothing.


'Remove 5 rows from the collection, starting with the second row.
ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.RemoveEntries(1, 5)
'Remove all but the first 3 rows.
ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.RemoveEntries(3, -1)
' Remove all records.
ThisForm.PrimaryIDOCollection.RemoveEntries(0, -1)