Cross-Referencing a Project Resource to a Job Order

Cross-referencing creates a reference-only link between the project resource and the job order.

  1. On the Project Resources form, add a new resource to a project.
  2. On the Source tab, select Job in the Source field.
  3. To cross-reference the project resource to an existing job order, specify the job number in the unlabeled field next to the Source field. To create a new job and assign a particular job number,specify the job number. To create a new job and allow the system to assign a job number, leave the field blank.
  4. If your planning mode is APS, select or clear the Plan on Save field.
  5. Select Actions > Save to save the record.
  6. Click Source. The message "Cross-reference will be performed from the Project Resource to Job" displays.
  7. Click OK. The system automatically creates the job order and inserts the job number into the Reference field.
  8. Optional: You can click Source again to display the cross-referenced job order.
  9. To create sub-jobs for subassemblies that are cross-referenced to the project resource, open the Copy Routing BOM form.
  10. In the From Category field, select Current (to use the current routing/BOM to create the sub-jobs; to use a different job's routing/BOM, select Job).
  11. In the Copy Indented BOM field, select Yes.
  12. In the Item field, select the item number from which to copy the current routing/BOM (if you selected Job in the Category field, select the job from which to copy the job routing/BOM in the Job field.)
  13. In the To Category field, select Job.
  14. In the Job field, specify the ID of the job to which you cross-referenced the project resource in the previous steps.
  15. Click Process. This activity copies the routing/BOM to the cross-referenced parent job and creates sub-jobs for each subassembly in the routing/BOM. The sub-jobs will not have Start or End dates until you run the APS Planning activity or perform Get ATP/CTP on the customer order line.
Note:  You can cross-reference to a range of jobs using the Material Planner Workbench form.
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