Generating the Job Routing for Co-Product Jobs

You can add a routing to a co-product job by generating the routing from co-product mix information, or by copying the information from an existing co-product job instead of entering the information manually.

You can generate a routing from these forms:

  • Job Orders
  • Co-product Job Orders
  • Copy Routing BOM
  1. Use the Job Orders form to generate the routing from the co-product mix information:
    1. Select the co-product job to work with. Its status must be Firm.
    2. Select the Co-products tab.
    3. Click Generate Cost Distribution and Routing. The system generates the routing from the co-product mix information to the selected job.
    4. To save the changes, select Actions > Save.
    You can schedule the job by running the Scheduling activity.
    Or, you can update the planned material costs by opening the Items form, selecting the Item Costs button to open the Item Costs form, selecting Actions > New, and then selecting the Cost Maint tab.
  2. Use the Co-product Job Orders form to generate the cost distribution for a specific co-product job:
    1. Select the co-product job  to work with.
    2. Click Generate Cost Distribution and Routing. The system generates the routing from the co-product mix information to the selected job.
    3. To save the changes, select Actions > Save.
  3. Use the Copy Routing BOM form to add the routing to a job by copying the information from another co-product job.
    1. Select the category that identifies the source of what you are copying from.
      Note:  Copying from a job and from an actual job both copy the routing/BOM from another co-product job.
    2. The category you select determines which other fields are active in the From group box. As applicable, select the job, schedule ID, item, revision, and starting and ending operations that you want to copy from.
    3. Select the category that identifies the source of what you are copying to.
    4. The category you select determines which other fields are active in the To group box. As applicable, select the job, schedule ID, item, and revision that you want to copy to. Also if applicable, select the operation after which you want to copy the selected range of operations.
    5. Select the date the operation will be included in the current bill of material, or accept the default of today's date.
    6. Under Copy Indented BOM, select Yes if you want to copy the complete indented bill of material, or accept the default of No to copy only a single-level.
    7. Under Extend By Scrap Factor, select Yes if you want to use the scrap factor from the Current Materials form as the variable to determine the required quantity of a current material.
    8. In the Option field, select one of these options to indicate how the selected information will be used:
      • Delete All: Delete the information specified.
      • Insert Range: Insert the information and resequence the operation numbers.
      • Replace Range: Replace existing information.
    9. Select one of the following:
      • Labor: Copy only the labor portion of the routing.
      • Material: Copy only the material portion of the bill of material.
      • Both: Copy both the labor and material.
    10. Click Process.
  4. If you are working with a job, you can now release the co-product job.
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