About Co-Products and By-Products

You can create jobs that make groups of items, rather than a single item. The group is called a co-product mix.

Co-product items are grouped together by means of a co-product mix, a grouping of items that are produced together. Every co-product mix must contain one lead co-product. The lead co-product determines the default values for the co-product mix. The lead co-product also identifies the co-product mix on most reports and queries.

Note:  You can identify an item as the lead co-product in a preferred co-product mix by selecting the Preferred Co-Product Mix field on the Items form for that item. When you create a co-product job and select this item as the lead co-product, the preferred co-product mix defaults to the job.

General Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when using co-products and by-products:

  • Co-products and by-products resulting from a job must be valid items on the Items form.
  • Both Actual and Standard cost types are supported for co-products and by-products.
  • Production schedules and estimates are not supported when using co-products, but they are supported for by-products.
  • Lot tracking is supported for co-products and by-products.
  • Serial tracking is not supported for by-products.
  • Use the Job Receipts form to receive serial tracked items from a co-product job.
  • By-products are identified on a job by a - (minus sign) in the bill of material. By-products are negative issued into inventory from a job, either manually or as backflush items.
  • By-products cannot be cross-referenced.
  • For MRP and APS, each co-product item in a co-product job displays as an outstanding receipt with the same job number. By-products display as negative requirements.

Co-Product Mix Generation

There can be only one bill of material and routing for each co-product job -- a job that makes all the items defined in the co-product mix. Generation merges the co-product's bills of material and routings into one BOM and takes the default values from the lead co-product. The system compares the co-product mix operations against the lead co-product operations during the co-product mix validation.

Run the Validate Co-Product Mix Cost Distribution form to see errors or warnings that occur when the BOMs are consolidated. You can also run the Generate Co-Product Mix Cost Distribution form to generate the consolidated BOM for the co-product job. The generation also calculates the cost distributions for each co-product mix operation.

Co-Product Jobs

You can create a co-product job manually, from a co-product mix, or a previous co-product job. You can make adjustments to a co-product job at the item-BOM level, the co-product mix level, and at the job level.

Note:  If you have a data collection solution, CloudSuite Industrial allows  data collection job transactions that include co-product mixes. By-products are not supported.


The following reports contain specific co-product information:

  • Current Job Cost Variance Report
  • Job Cost Detail Status Report
  • Job Cost Variance Report
  • Job Exception Report
  • Job Packet
  • Job Pick List
  • Job Transactions
  • Scrap Analysis Report
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