About Co-Product Mix Validation

The system checks several attributes when validating a co-product mix or a co-product mix for a specific job.

Error Validation

You receive error messages if any of the following are not valid, causing the validation processing to stop:

  • Co-product items must have valid item records.
  • Co-product items must be the same cost type.
  • Co-product items cannot have a status of obsolete.
  • Co-product items must be selected as manufactured.
  • Co-product items cannot be configurable items.
  • Lead co-product items must have operations.
  • Common co-product operations (on the Current Operations form) associated with co-product items must have these identical settings:
    • Work centers
    • Resource groups
    • Resource group Action and Quantity values
    • Backflush
    • Machine Hours/Piece or Pieces/Machine Hour
    • Labor Hours/Piece or Pieces/Labor Hour
    • Fixed Schedule Hours
    • Setup Hours
    • Setup Rule
    • Setup Basis
    • Setup Matrix
    • Schedule Driver
    • Break Rule
    • Queue hours
    • Split Size
    • Offset
    • Custom planner rule
    • Scheduler rule
    • Setup resource group
  • Co-product items must have the same backflush settings and location as the lead co-product.
  • Co-product item numbers cannot be the same as material item numbers.

Warning Validation

You receive warning messages if any of the following are not valid. Warning messages do not stop the validation process.

  • Co-product items cannot have a status of slow-moving.
  • Co-product items in a co-product mix must have the same product code as the lead co-product. The lead co-product determines the job's product code.
  • Co-product items cannot be phantom items.
  • Co-product job operations must match the lead co-product operations.
  • All co-product items in a co-product mix must have the same setting for rev tracking.
  • Co-product items (other than the lead co-product) should have operations, and these operations should match the operations of the lead co-product.
  • Common co-product operations (on the Current Operations form) should have the same values in these fields: Setup Rate, Labor Run Rate, Variable Overhead Rate, Fixed Overhead Rate, Fixed Overhead Rate Machine, and Variable Overhead Rate Machine.
  • Co-product items should have the same unit of measure. They should also have the same lot tracking setting.
  • All cost distribution percentages must equal 100% in each co-product operation. (The system does not validate cost distribution percentages on the Generate Co-Product Mix Cost Distribution form or the Co-Product Mix Operations form).

Forms Where Validation Occurs

The system validates co-product mixes on these forms:

  • Co-product Job Orders
  • Co-Product Mix Operations
  • Generate Co-Product Mix Cost Distribution
  • Job Orders
  • Validate Co-Product Mix Cost Distribution
Note:  On the Co-Product Job Orders form, the system validates the co-product mix for a specific job only.
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