About Multi-Site Transfer Order Serial Number Tracking

This topic describes a multi-warehouse shipping and receiving scenario.
  • Warehouse A ships to a Transit Location (it is maintained at Warehouse B).
  • When Warehouse B receives the item, it is moved from the Transit Location to a Stock Location within Warehouse B.


When you move inventory via a multi-site transfer, the transfer is a two-step process:

  1. Inventory is moved from a permanent location to a transit location.
  2. Inventory is then moved from the transit location to a permanent location.

These tables illustrate this process.

Serial Number Tracking When FOB = Site B

Site A

Permanent Inventory

Site A

Transit In

Site A

Transit Out (Status)

Site B (FOB Site)

Transit In

Site B

Transit Out

Site B

Permanent Inventory

I Same S/N Same S/N


    Different S/N

Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New

A Same S/N Same S/N


    Different S/N

Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New

J Same S/N Same S/N


    Different S/N

Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New

R Same S/N Same S/N


    Different S/N

Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New

In this example, an item is transferred from Site A to Site B, where the FOB Site is Site B. Regardless of the status of the serial number used (I, A, J, or R), the item is transferred to the transit location with the same serial number, and out of the transit location with a status of Transit. It is then moved into permanent inventory at Site B, where it is assigned a different serial number with a status of Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New.

Serial Number Tracking When FOB = Site A

Site A (FOB Site)

Permanent Inventory

Site A

Transit In

Site A

Transit Out (Status)

Site B

Transit In Status

Site B

Transit Out Status

Site B

Permanent Inventory

I     Same S/N

Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New

Same S/N


Same S/N
A     Same S/N

Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New

Same S/N


Same S/N
J     Same S/N

Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New

Same S/N


Same S/N
R     Same S/N

Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New

Same S/N


Same S/N

In this example, an item is transferred from Site A to Site B, where the FOB Site is Site A. Regardless of the status of the serial number used (I, A, J, or R), the item is transferred to the transit location associated with Site B, and is assigned a serial number with a status of Out of Inventory, Not Used, or New, and out of the transit location with a status of Transit. It is then moved into permanent inventory at Site B, where it is given the same serial number.

Data Collection and Multi-Site Serial Number Tracking

If a transaction is performed that requires updates to the non-local site, and the non-local site is not available, the serial numbers for the other site are generated at the time the transfer order transaction is posted to the system.

Error processing data collection always prompts for serial numbers if either site's item is serial tracked. Error processing data collection allows updates to data even if the non-local site is not available (that is, only the local CloudSuite Industrial database is available). In this case the data is validated again at the time the transaction is posted. If the non-local sites' primary database is available, validations also include that site.

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