Copying a Multi-Site Item Bill of Materials

Use the Multi-Site Bill of Materials Builder to copy an item's bill of materials (BOM) from this site to all selected sites.


  • A replication rule must exist between the source and target sites that specifies the Multi-Site BOM Builder replication category.

    We recommend that this process only be used with transactional replication. If a validation fails during transactional replication, a message is displayed and the whole process is rolled back. The Builder also works with non-transactional replication; however, if a validation fails in the middle of the process during non-transactional replication, it could leave the target site in an error state. For example, the target site's current BOM was deleted but only part of the new BOM was created.

  • The item must already exist in the sites to which you plan to copy the item's BOM.

    To copy the item to the other sites, see the topics Maintaining Multi-Site Items from a Master Site or Adding a Multi-Site (Global) Item (No Master Site).

Rules for using this form:

  • If a BOM for the item already exists in the selected site, then the existing BOM is deleted before the new BOM is copied to the site.
  • Standard BOMs cannot be copied.
  • The Builder copies a single level at a time. To create a complete indented BOM in the other sites, you must copy each of the manufactured components (individual levels of the BOM) separately, as well as all phantom items separately. Copy all of this information to each of the sites where you are copying the item's BOM.
  • If the item whose BOM is to be copied is revision-tracked in the target site, then a message is returned and the BOM is not copied.

To copy an item's BOM:

  1. Specify the item to be copied. The description, type, and source information for the selected item is displayed.
  2. Explore the current BOM tree for the selected item, which is displayed. To explore the BOM, you can right-click and launch the appropriate form from the tree for items and operations. However, the tree is not recursive, so you cannot drill down to jobs.

  3. Certain fields are validated during the copy, to ensure that they already exist in the target site before the BOM is copied. If they do not exist, a message is displayed and the BOM copy could fail and be rolled back. Verify that these records exist in the target site and match the values defined in the BOM:

    • When current operations are copied:
      • Parent Item
      • Work Center
      • Setup Matrix
      • Work Center Setup Time Rule
      • Scheduler Rule
      • Batch Definition
    • When current materials are copied:
      • Parent Item
      • Component's Operation
      • Component Item
      • U/M Conversion to this U/M
      • Component Manufacturer ID
      • Component Manufacturer Item
      • Component Feature
    • When resource groups are copied:
      • Parent Item
      • Resource Group
    • When reference designators are copied:
      • Component Item
      • Component Operation number
    • When product configuration features are copied:
      • Component Item
      • Component Operation number
  4. Select Create Non-Inventory Items to create in the target site any non-inventory items that are included in the BOM. (Inventory items must already be defined in the target site before you perform the copy.)

    For more information, see the topics About Non-Inventory Items and Managing Non-Inventory Items.

  5. Select the target sites in the grid to which you want to copy the BOM. To select or deselect all listed sites, use the buttons.
  6. Click Copy BOM. A confirmation message box is displayed if the copy was successful. If the copy failed at any of the sites, a message that indicates the error is displayed next to the site in the grid, and the copy is rolled back at that site. The process then continues to the next site. If the copy to a site failed because of a validation error, see step 3.
    Note:  It is your responsibility to manually verify that the values match in both sites before the copy is performed. For example, if item BS-100 is defined as a bike seat in the source site and item BS-100 is defined as a tire in the target site, the Builder will  copy the routing and materials to build a bike seat to the tire item in the target site.
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