Adding a gauge to a form

  1. With the form open, go into Design Mode.
  2. From the toolbox, select [Gauge] , and draw the component where you want it on the form.
  3. From the [Component] property sheet, select [Data Source > Binding] and then click the ellipses ([...]) button on the right.
  4. In the [Edit Component Data Binding] dialog box, [Type] drop-down list, select [Gauge].
  5. Click [Edit].
  6. In the [Specify Gauge Settings] dialog box, on the [General] tab, specify at least the [Gauge Type].
  7. Specify the gauge settings on the [General] tab, as desired.

    See 「Specifying general settings for gauges」.

    You must specify at least this information:

    • [Gauge Type] - Select the type of gauge you want to display.

      To preview the gauge types, see 「Gauge samples」.

    • [Gauge Data]
      注: In some earlier versions of Mongoose, the [Gauge Data] group is labeled as [Chart Data].
      • To base the gauge display on data in an IDO collection, select the [Collection] option.
      • To base the gauge display on data from a Critical Number, select the [Critical Number] option.
  8. Optionally, use the other tabs on the [Specify Gauge Settings] dialog box to set up additional options for the gauge.
  9. To apply your changes and save the gauge, click [OK] .