Adding a chart to a form

  1. With the form open, go into Design Mode.
  2. From the Toolbox, select [Chart] , and draw the component where you want it on the form.
  3. From the [Component] property sheet, select [Data Source > Binding] and then click the ellipses ([...]) button on the right.
  4. In the [Edit Component Data Binding] dialog box, [Type] drop-down list, select [Chart].
  5. Click [Edit].
  6. In the [Specify Chart Settings] dialog box, on the [Data] tab, specify at least the [Chart Style] and the [Chart Type].
  7. On the same tab, in the [Chart Data] group box, specify:
    • The IDO [Collection] to use as the source for the data
    • The property or properties, using the [Available Properties] list and clicking [Add].

      For a Single Series chart, specify only a single property. For a Multi-Series or Combination chart, specify multiple properties, according to what the chart is to display.

  8. To save your initialized chart, click [OK] till you get back to the form.
    注: The chart does not display any data until you perform this step and the next step.
  9. Save your changes, close, and then reopen the form.
  10. Make other settings as desired on the various tabs of the [Specify Chart Settings] dialog box.
  11. To preview the chart, click [Apply] and move the [Specify Chart Settings] dialog box out of way until you can see your chart.
  12. To apply your changes and save the chart, click [OK] [. ]