External Financial Interface Data Request Utility

Certain types of financial data may be maintained only in an external financial system. However, CloudSuite Business may need access to some of that data for its production or customer service activities.

Use this utility to submit requests to an external financial interface for certain types of information (chart of accounts, tax codes, and so on). The requests are processed as background tasks that build XML LoadCollection requests, which are then sent using non-transactional replication to the external financial system. The external financial system responds with UpdateCollection XML requests that update CloudSuite Business tables with data from the external financial system.

You can run this utility manually (by clicking the Process button) or as a background process run on a regular basis.

  • This utility is not used when running the CloudSuite Business Enterprise Financials package that works with Infor SunSystems.
  • Before using this utility, you must set up the external financial interface.

    See Updating CloudSuite Business Data from Data in an External Financial Application.

  • The data request utility is available only if you have selected Use External Financial Interface on the External Financial Interface Parameters form. This utility is needed only if the external system does not have the ability to "push" its data to CloudSuite Business.
  • If records have been deleted in the external system, the corresponding records must be deleted manually in CloudSuite Business. This utility does not delete records.
  • For Infor Global Financials (IGF) integration, only Chart of Accounts, Currency Codes, and Currency Rates can be selected on the Table tab. All fields are available for use on the Customer Posted Balance tab. The IGF integration uses direct data access with this utility to retrieve data for CloudSuite Business.

The Customer Posted Balance tab is enabled only if the Use External A/R System field is selected on the External Financial Interface Parameters form.

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