How Customer Order Blanket Line/Releases Affect Inventory

When you add a line/release to a blanket line, and the status is set to Ordered, the system increases the Alloc Order (allocated to order) field in Inventory. If you changed the status to Planned, the system does not change the Alloc Order field.

When you change a line/release status from Planned to Ordered, the system increases the Alloc Order quantity in Inventory by the quantity of the line/release. At the same time, the system updates the line/release Ready Quantity (which shows up in Order Shipping) from zero to the amount that is actually ready, if the Reference type is Inventory.

When you ship a line/release, the system decreases the Alloc Order quantity for the item by the Qty Shipped.

  • When updating a blanket line, you can update the Item and Config String fields only if you change the status of the order to Planned, or if the status is Ordered and you change the Blanket Quantity field to zero. If you change the status of a blanket line/release to Complete and then change the status to Ordered, you lose all reserved inventory records.
  • You cannot update or add records while in translation mode.
  • If you delete a customer order blanket line item that has inventory reserved for it, the system deletes the reservations and displays a warning message stating that there are open reservations for the order.

Customer Balances

When you add a line/release with a Planned status, the system does not perform any customer credit checks or update customer balances. However, when you change the line/release status from Planned to Ordered, the system performs a credit check, and updates the customer balance to reflect the domestic currency on the line/release being changed. As a result, the system does not increase customer balances for future shipments.

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