About Multiple Due Date Billing Terms

You can create terms codes to use multiple due dates to allow the customer to pay a percentage of their invoice in installments.
Note: Multiple due dates for billing terms are not supported when running the Infor CloudSuite Business Enterprise Financials Interface that works with Infor SunSystems.

You cannot use multiple due dates where you have either no Due Days or you have Discount Days.

System-generated debit memos should have multiple due dates if the terms code being used is a multiple due date terms code. This applies to debit memos generated via these forms:

  • Price Adjustment Invoice
  • Returned Checks
  • Residual AR Balance Eliminations

Setting multiple due dates in a terms code includes determining these options:

  • Sequence: The due date calculation takes place normally, using the due days from billing terms. If you are using multiple due dates, you must enter more than one sequence.
  • Due Days Offset: The number of days from the previous due date sequence of the billing terms. The offset day in the first sequence is always equal to zero.
  • Percent: The amount must total 100 percent for each Billing Terms code.

Refer to the topic About Multiple Due Dates for Invoices and Debit Memos for further information about how multiple invoice due dates are used with invoicing and payments.

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