Deleting a Customer Order

To delete a customer order:

  1. Open the Customer Orders form.
  2. Find the order that you want to delete.
  3. Select Actions > Delete.
  4. The system prompts you to confirm the deletion. When you do, the system flags the record with a (d) but does not actually delete it until you save the form.
  5. Select Actions > Save. If the following conditions have been met, the system deletes the record.
  • For all line items, the quantity invoiced must equal the quantity shipped.
  • Also, the order header status must be History.
  • Otherwise, if the quantity shipped is zero, the quantity ordered can be changed to zero and the order then deleted.

If the above conditions have not been met, the system displays a message. You must make corrections as indicated before you can delete the record.

To delete a range of customer orders, use the Delete Customer Orders form.

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