Generating Vouchers

Vouchers can be generated using the methods described here.
  • Automatically, using the Generate A/P Transactions form
  • Manually, using the A/P Vouchers and Adjustments form
  • For multiple sites, using the Voucher Builder form

When you generate vouchers, remember this information:

  • Before any transactions are created, the total distributed cost of the PO must equal the sum of all vouchered line/releases. If they are not equal, the system displays an error message.
  • If you are creating an adjustment rather than a voucher, you must select the number of the voucher you are adjusting.
  • When generating an adjustment, the A/P transaction record is filled with values from the A/P posted transaction record. The transaction type is A, and the reference begins with APA.
  • As each line/release is processed, the Unit Cost field of the purchase order is set to the vouchered unit cost, and the purchase order detail costs are set to the vouchered detail costs.
  • While transactions and distributions are set, messages display if the corresponding account number has not been set up on the Accounts Payable Parameters form (the message is only a warning, and processing continues).
  • If the cost method is Actual or Standard, the system displays a message if the corresponding account numbers are not set for the line item.
  • The following A/P distribution transaction records are created when you generate vouchers:
    • If any miscellaneous charges were entered, an A/P transaction distribution record is created, using the Misc Charges account from the Accounts Payable Parameters form. The distribution amount is set to the miscellaneous charges amount from the voucher.
    • If sales tax was entered, an A/P transaction distribution record is created, using the Sales Tax Exp account from the Accounts Payable Parameters form. The distribution amount is set to the sales tax amount entered for the voucher. If the Active for Purchasing check box is selected on the Tax Systems form, the system uses the A/P Tax account from the tax code.
    • If a freight amount was entered, an A/P transaction distribution record is created, using the Freight-In account from the Accounts Payable Parameters form. The distribution amount is set to the freight amount entered for the voucher.
    • If the cost method is None, an A/P distribution transaction record is created for the distributed amount (total of the items), using either the product code's inventory account number (if the item has an associated product code) or the purchases account from the Accounts Payable Parameters form. For all other cost methods, the Vouchers Payable account is used. The distribution amount is set to the amount vouchered (the total cost of the items).
    • Finally, an A/P transaction record is created for the total cost of the items (including freight, miscellaneous charges, and sales tax), using the Accounts Payable account from the Accounts Payable Parameters form.
    • The distribution amount is set to the total of the miscellaneous charges, freight, sales tax, and cost of the items. At that time, the system creates a voucher register record with a line item for each line release being vouchered.

      After the vouchers are posted in A/P, you can view the completed transactions using the Journal Entries form, by selecting the A/P Dist journal option.

  • The PO line/release quantity vouchered is set to the quantity received minus the quantity returned.
  • The PO line/release quantity returned is set to zero.

When all transactions and distributions are created, the system displays a message indicating that the process is complete.

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