Working with the Activities View

Use the Activities view to manage your scheduled activities, events, literature requests, and confirmations. If you have additional access rights, you can also view other Infor CRM users' activities. Use the Summary view or Details pane to see additional information for each activity. You can use filters to narrow the list of records in the list. For example, if the time frame is next month, use the Time Frame filter to show only activities scheduled for next month.

Note: The security access determines what functions are available. Contact the administrator for any access rights changes. WebViewer users may not access full functionality.

The various tabs present on the activities view are:

The various icons present on the activity view are:

Icon Description
Phone Call
Personal Activity
The activity is unconfirmed. (Not available on all tabs)
The activity has an attachment
The activity is a single occurrence of a recurring activity
The activity has an alarm

Select Activities from the Navigation Bar, to open the Activities List view.

On this page you can:

  • Click (Refresh), to refresh the list information.
  • Work with records in a grid
  • Use the activity shortcut menu
  • View or hide the details pane:
    1. Click Detail.
    2. Select a record.

      The Details pane displays at the bottom of the list view with detailed information about the selected record.

    3. Click Hide Detail, to hide the details pane.
  • View the Summary pane:
    1. Click Summary.
    2. Click List, to return to the List view.
  • Use the Task Pane filters to narrow the list

    Note: The available filters are based on the columns in the selected list view and the information contained in those columns. The number of records listed after a filter criteria only counts a recurring activity once, it does not include each occurrence separately.

An example on how to use filters is shown below:

  1. From the navigation bar, select Activities.
  2. Click the My Activities tab.
  3. Use the Task Pane Filters to narrow the list:
    • Expand the Activity Type filter and select Phone Call.
    • Expand the Time Frame filter and select Tomorrow. All of the calls you have scheduled for tomorrow are displayed in the tab.