Space Properties Reference

General properties that apply to an entire space are set in the Admin - Manage Space - Modify Properties tab.

Tip: Remember to click Save at the bottom of the tab after changing any of the space properties.

Properties include the following:

As Navigates

The "As Navigates" feature is an enhancement for Visualizer (and Designer) reporting that enables users to create a report that includes a measure in a logical query that only has grains available on a subset of dimensions that are included in the query.

This feature must be enabled for the account. To use the "As Navigates" feature, please contact your Birst representative to have it turned on for your account.


By default the name of a space is the name provided when the space was created. You can change the name here.
Important: Do not use ampersands (&) in a space name.

ID, Space ID

The unique space identifier that was generated when the space was created. It cannot be changed. The space ID is in the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx where x is any hexadecimal value (0-9, a-f). The space ID is used for Web Services and when embedding Birst via an SSO URL.


The type of space, either Automatic, Advanced, or Discovery. See Birst Space Types.

  • Convert: A Convert button for Automatic and Discovery spaces lets you convert the space to an Advanced space. An Advanced space cannot be converted.
  • Convert space to new metadata infrastructure (BETA): Converts an existing space to use an upgraded infrastructure. The new infrastructure adds support for multiple Administrators working on the same data model. This feature requires Process Engine 5.22 or newer.
    During the BETA period the features is only for Cloud customers. To test this new features contact your Infor representative.
  • Always On: Enable Always On to ensure high availability and simultaneous access to reports and dashboards while a space is processing. Birst replicates and creates a "shadow space" for this purpose. Because it replicates the data, Always On requires additional space resources. By default Always On is not enabled for all accounts; it is an add-on feature for Advanced spaces. To get Always On contact your Infor representative. See Enabling an Always On Space.

Test Mode

Test mode limits data processing to 10,000 rows. This is useful for testing purposes as it reduces processing time. When enabled, only the first 10,000 records of each data source in the space is processed.

Tip: Remember to check this setting when moving to production mode. See Distributed Development Model.

Enable Single Sign-On and SSO Password

Birst can be embedded in external applications using single sign-on. Check this box to enable single sign-on for this space. See Embedding and Single Sign-On and Setting up Single Sign-On.

After checking the box, click the Generate SSO Password button to generate an SSO Password.

Tip: By default the password is hidden. Click the Toggle button to view it.

Logo Image

The Logo Image displays in the upper left corner of the Home page, Admin, and Designer for a space. Browse to select a replacement image and click Upload to add it. Click Save and refresh your browser to see the change.

Tip: Click Reset Logo and Header Foreground/Background Colors to Default to revert back to the default logo image and colors. Click Save then refresh your browser to see the default logo again.

Header Background Color and Header Font Color

Use the color picker to change background and font (foreground) colors of Admin and Designer for a space. This also changes the Visualizer side bar colors. Click Save and then refresh your browser to see the changes.

Tip: Click Reset Logo and Header Foreground/Background Colors to Default to revert back to the default logo image and colors. Click Save then refresh your browser to see the default logo again.

Swap Content With Another Space

You can swap the data and catalog between two spaces while keeping users and implementation-specific elements like report schedules the same. See Swapping Space Contents.

Processing Time Zone

Before processing data, you can set the processing time zone for all input files. The default Server Local Time is CST. Before data has been processed in the space, you can change the processing time zone for the space to your corporate time zone. This transforms all datetime fields in a file to the selected time zone. The difference between this time zone setting and each source's time zone (set at Manage Sources - Properties) is how Birst determines the offset to apply when loading datetime fields into the system. See Time Zone Shifting for Data Processing.

Important: Once data has been processed in a space, this setting cannot be changed.

Maximum Number of Records Returned from a Query

The maximum number of records to return from a query against the data store (warehouse) is by default 10,000. Change this setting if you need to see more results, up to the maximum of 500,000.

Important: This setting does not apply to Live Access queries.

Maximum Number of Failed Records Allowed

The maximum number of failed records is by default set to 0, meaning that a processing load will not fail no matter how many failed records there are. If you set the value to 5, for example, this means five failed records will be allowed, and if more than five failed records are encountered, the processing load will fail.

Maximum Query Time

The maximum query time is the time that a query can run before it either completes or is terminated. If a query exceeds the time limit that is set, Birst terminates it. The setting is 300 seconds (5 minutes) for the Cloud environment and cannot be changed. In Appliance environments, the main AccountAdmin user can change this setting for a space.

If a maximum query time has been set at the database level that is smaller than the one set here, the database level setting overrides this setting.

Process Engine Version

The Process Engine is a component of Birst that handles the data processing that occurs when source data is pulled into the Birst data store (warehouse). The Process Engine is versioned separately from the main Birst application. Normally, the Process Engine version can be a few versions behind the main application version.

Birst does not automatically upgrade the Process Engine version. Space Administrators normally update the Process Engine version when there are particular features that require a newer version, such as to support a certain database for the warehouse.

Important: Always test a new Process Engine version before upgrading a production environment. See Testing a New Processing Engine Version.

To upgrade the Processing Engine version, select one from the dropdown list.

Tip: You can also use the Web Services methods getSpaceProcessEngineVersion and setSpaceProcessEngineVersion. See Web Services.

Allow Retry Failed Load

If enabled, when a load has failed you have the option to retry the previously failed load when you click Process Now on the Admin - Process Data - Process New Data tab. The load can start processing from where it failed instead of processing the entire load again. In this case, you cannot select a  snapshot date or processing group as these will be the same as what was set for the failed load. See Processing Data.

Push Down Expressions to Database

If enabled, all report expressions for the space are evaluated in the Birst database. See Pre-Aggregate Report Expressions. This feature supports all report expressions except those that include positional calculations and dimensional expressions. To use these, you must disable this option.

Allow Usage Statistics Extracts

Usage statistics can be available for the reports and dashboards in the space and for space usage in general. A Space Administrator can check this box to enable a space to have usage statistics extracted, but cannot run the actual statistics. You must be an Account Administrator to run usage statistics. See Setting Up Usage Tracking.

Use Dynamic Groups for Access

By default the space is enabled for using dynamic groups to control user access. You can manage users and groups dynamically if you upload a table of users and groups that defines which users participate in which group. See Dynamically Assigning Groups.

If you do not want to use dynamic groups, you can create standard static groups, assign users to groups, and assign permissions to groups on the Admin - Manage Access - Manage Groups tab, even if this option is enabled.

Lock Packages

You can lock packages in a space so that they cannot be deleted or modified. This lock applies to both parent and child spaces. For example, if a package is locked in a parent space, then also any child space that uses the package cannot remove it from their space. See Managed Data Mashups and Creating a Package.

Best Practice: Enable this option in production environments.

Min/Max Years

You can set a minimum year and a maximum year for filters that use the built-in Time attributes and time series measures in the space. See Time Attributes and Time Series Measures.

The defaults values are -1 and -1, which means the default 150 year span from 1900 - 2050. 

Best Practice: Change these values to match the time frame of your reporting requirements for the space. Restricting the time frame makes your reports more efficient and easier to develop. For example, if the source data for the space goes back only to the year 2000, you could set the minimum year to 2000, and you won't see previous years in the Time filters on a report.

Map Nulls to Zero in Queries

Enabling this property causes Birst to translate null values to zero values in queries. This is used for data modeling and does not apply to reports.

Database Collation

Database Collation applies to all sources of the space when processing Unicode character sets. It is disabled for all database types except SQL Server. For SQL Server databases, once data has been processed, this setting cannot be changed.

You can only select a database collation scheme before the warehouse has been created or if the warehouse has been deleted by selecting Delete All on the the Admin - Process Data - Delete Data tab. The default value is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. You can search the database collation types by typing in the field.

Email From Address and Subject

You can change the default email address and subject line for scheduled reports in the space. Changes here apply to new report schedules. Existing schedules will not be affected. For existing schedules, modify the From and Subject fields manually in the Email tab of the Edit Report Schedule dialog. See Scheduling Reports in Admin.

R Server Info

The R Server fields provide information for Birst to connect to an R Server. See Connecting Birst to an R Server.

Always use Dashboards 2.0

Enabling this option forces the space to always use Dashboards 2.0. Original dashboards will not be available. See Access and Privileges for Dashboards 2.0.

Asychronous Reporting

Enables a new queuing infrastructure for reports that are either scheduled, exported through the API, or are Designer/Original HTML5 Dashboards in Description mode. By default this is enabled. Access to this feature is enabled at the Account level.


This contains the comments that were entered when this space was created. You can update these notes.

See Also
Modifying a Space