Birst Space Types

Spaces contain data, metadata, reports, and dashboards and can be shared by multiple users.

There are different types of Birst spaces:

You select a space type when you create a space. See Creating a New Space.

To find the space type after a space is created, go to Admin - Manage Space - Modify Properties and look for the Type field.

In addition, Account Administrators can create a Usage Tracking space that gather statistics for the reports and dashboards in another spaces. See Setting Up Usage Tracking.

Automatic Space

Create a space type of Automatic if you want to quickly get started. Once you upload your data, Birst automatically analyzes the data and creates a Birst data model. You can convert an Automatic space to an Advanced space later, if you need more control over the model. To change it, go to Admin - Manage Space - Modify Properties - Type and click Convert.

Advanced Space

Create an Advanced space if you are familiar with data modeling and want more control over the model. An Advanced space gives you flexibility in defining a dimensional model that best describes your data and meets your analytical needs. You can:

  • Set up custom hierarchies.
  • Specify the grain of your data sources.
  • Determine which source columns serve as facts or attributes.
  • Define how source columns relate to hierarchies and hierarchy levels.
  • Write your own scripts using ETL Services to transform and manipulate data.

In addition, you can add a new Discovery data source to an Advanced space, so that you can easily explore a new data source next to an existing one. See Adding an Discovery Source to an Advanced Space.

Live Access sources use Advanced spaces.

Discovery Space

A Discovery space offers dashboard and reporting capabilities without a dimensional data model or warehouse. They are most often used to augment an Advanced space with a file-based data source. See Adding an Discovery Source to an Advanced Space.

See Also
Creating a New Space
Adding a Discovery Source to an Advanced Space