Rules and guidelines for customizing and uploading applications

Create copies of reports and customize the copies. If you customize a Infor report you cannot import it to the Cloud. Copy folders or individual reports.

Prefix the unique name of every object that you create or customize with cust_.

If you create folders within the application you must manually assign permissions. Reports and folders that you add to existing folders inherit the existing permissions.

To assign permissions, use application roles only. They are recognizable by their prefixes.

Assign permissions before you upload the application to the Cloud. Permissions cannot be edited in the Cloud.

Always select the Overwrite option if you are prompted to overwrite existing content or to import it with a new name.

We recommend that only one administrator uploads applications.

Do not use restricted features.

See Restrictions on report customization.

Before you export customized reports, test that they behave as required in these scenarios:

  • In Infor BI Dashboards
  • In Application Studio WebServices
  • With a new user. This helps to check that no default variable values have been omitted.