Drill Down Examples

Summary Drill Down enables you to view the detail of values returned by summary links. Transaction Drill Down is the same as Summary Drill Down, but goes down to the transaction level.

Summary Drill Down

If a summary link returns Base Amount = $11801.22, then a Summary Drill Down on account code returns:

Account Code Base Amount
36100 85
36200 77
36300 41
37100 19
Total 22

Transaction Drill Down

If a summary link returns Base Amount = $11801.22, then a Transaction Drill Down on account code returns:

Account Code Base Amount
36100 85
36200 77
36300 41
37100 31
37100 88
37100 00
Total 22


If a summary link returns Base Amount = $11801.22, then a Breakout by account code returns:

worksheet "36100"

Breakout by (Account Code) Base Amount
1 85

worksheet "36200"

Breakout by (Account Code) Base Amount
1 77

worksheet "36300"

Breakout by (Account Code) Base Amount
1 41

worksheet "37100"

Breakout by (Account Code) Base Amount
3 19


If a summary link returns Base Amount = $11801.22, then an Expand by account code returns:

(Account Code) Expand by (Account Code) Base Amount
36100 1 85
36200 1 77
36300 1 41
37100 3 19
Total 6 22