Inserting lists of elements into formula reports

You can insert elements and lists of elements into formula reports by dragging and dropping, or copying and pasting, from the Database Structure and from the Preview pane (Panes).

From the Database Structure you can drag dimensions, hierarchies or lists. From the Preview pane you can drag individual elements of a dimension, hierarchy or list that is selected in the Database Structure.

When you insert from the Database Structure, you can insert a subset definition of the selected dimension, hierarchy or list.

These functions can be particularly useful when defining a cell-based formula report in a blank spreadsheet. In MDX.EXECUTE based reports, in which the report data is returned by a database query executed by an MDX.EXECUTE function, you need to insert Set expressions into the queries. For example:
[automatically generated Set expression]
on rows,
[automatically generated Set expression]
on columns

Insert Elements dialog

The Insert Elements is displayed when you drag and drop one of these items from the Database Structure:

  • Dimension
  • Hierarchy
  • Level
  • List
  • Measure
  • Named set
The Insert Elements dialog is also displayed when you drag an element from the Preview pane.
The Insert Elements dialog has these options:
Insert name
This option inserts the name of a dimension, hierarchy or list selected in the Database Structure, or of an element selected in the Preview pane.
Insert element list
This option is only available when you select from the Database Structure.
You can insert the selected dimension, hierarchy or list as a list of elements, or as a subset definition.
If you insert as a list, you can choose to display the list horizontally or vertically.
Output format
Specify whether to display the unique names or captions of your selection.
Subset definitions comprise unique names. You cannot display captions.