Select Elements dialog in Ad-hoc reports

When opened from an Ad-hoc report, the Select Elements dialog has several options to navigate the dimension and select elements.
OK and Keep Element
The OK and Keep Element buttons relate, respectively, to selecting elements and to highlighting elements.
You select an element in order to use it in calculating a particular view of the report. To select an element, check its check box and click OK. If you enable Multiple Selection, you can check multiple check boxes.
You highlight an element or elements and use the Keep Element option so that you can work with parts of a hierarchy in isolation from the rest. This can be useful if the hierarchy is particularly large or complex. You can use the Shift and Ctrl keys to highlight multiple elements.
  • If you highlight an element and click OK, the element is automatically selected.
  • If you highlight multiple elements and click OK, multiple selection is automatically enabled and the highlighted elements are selected.
  • If you have a combination of highlighted and selected elements and click OK the highlighted elements are ignored.
  • If you have a combination of highlighted and selected elements and click Keep Element, the selected elements are ignored.
The remaining options of the Select Elements dialog are:
Show Root Level
Click to display the root level of the slice-dimension.
Expand, Expand All and Collapse
Click the name of an element that has child elements and then click Expand. The hierarchy expands below the selected element to display the next level of the hierarchy and its elements.
To expand all the levels of the hierarchy and display their elements, click Expand All.
To collapse the hierarchy and hide the children of the selected element, click Collapse.
Drill-down and Roll-up
The Drill-down and Roll-up functions are similar to Expand and Collapse but display only the child elements, in isolation from their parent and the other elements of the hierarchy.
Multiple Selection
You can combine the values of two or more elements of the same dimension. To select several slice elements, click Multiple Selection and select the check box of each element to include.
If you click Multiple Selection, the Select All and Deselect All buttons are enabled.
Suppress Empty Elements
Click Suppress Empty Elements to remove from the hierarchy elements that refer to empty cells.
See Structure Selection.
Select Level
To display all elements at a particular level of a hierarchy, click Select Level and select a level.
Select All and Deselect All
To select all displayed elements, click Multiple Selection and then click Select All. To deselect all selected elements, click Deselect All.
Show List Designer
Click Show List Designer to close the Select Elements dialog and open the List Designer for the selected slice-dimension.
To select elements using the full text search, enter the search text and click Find All. Enter a partial text to return all elements containing that text. For example, in the Product dimension in the Best Practices OLAP database, a search for omm returns Commercial (Van Tires). You can also use * as a wildcard in searches.

Click Find in Previous Result to search within the results of a previous search. Click Find Next or Find Previous to scroll through the results.