The VDBSET function

You can use the VDBSET function to splash values to a slice of data, in Formula and Ad-hoc reports.

The syntax of VDBSET is:

=VDBSET(Value, "Alias","Cube","Dim1 element", "Dim2 element",....)

Specify the writeback method to use, the value to be written, the database alias, the cube, and an element from each dimension. For example:

=VDBSET("#W12345", "Best_Practices_Templates

The order in which you specify the dimension elements must match the order of the dimensions in the cube. A message is displayed if you specify the elements in the wrong order. For example: Impossible operation. The element <2006> does not exist in the dimension PRODUCTS.

You can also use VDBSET within a Visual Basic script.

See VDBSET in Visual Basic