Using attributes

You can use 3 attributes in a relational list. You select the attributes in the Relational List Designer when you define the list.

Defining Attributes in the SELECT Statement

To define attributes for a relational list, open the Relational List Designer, create a SELECT statement, and select from the Tables and Views section the columns to be used as attributes. The first column of the SQL statement is the index of the list elements. These three columns are regarded as attributes 1 to 3 in the SQL statement.


This example is based on the Northwind relational database.
=" SELECT ProductName, QuantityPerUnit , UnitPrice , Discontinued FROM
		Products "
Note: Only the first attribute is displayed in a hyperblock. To display further attributes, use multiple output cells or a formula list.

Displaying attributes on the worksheet

If you have a relational list in a hyperblock or a combo box, you can display its attributes on the worksheet.


The reference "=HyperblockN.Attribute2" shows the second attribute of the list. This is "Unit Price".