Using variables in the Data Area

In addition to elements you can use variables to define the Data Area.

Variables can contain:

  • A single element
  • A set of elements from a single hierarchy
  • Multiple elements from multiple hierarchies (a tuple)

When you define the Data Area you can distinguish between the different types of variable. Click a hierarchy in the Hierarchy column and select the appropriate variable type:

  • Element
  • Set
  • Tuple

Click the button in the Selection column and select the variable from the Select Elements dialog.


Element selection Hierarchy Case Aggregation function

Element Selection Hierarchy Case Aggregation Function

Selected by name (e.g. yyyy) Selected by name (e.g. Time) Fixed hierarchy and selection Used with multiple selections

Reference to a combo box (e.g. ReportObjects.lvTime.Text)

Selected by name (e.g. Time) The selection refers to an element in a combo box Used with multiple selections

Variable containing a single element (e.g. ReportObjects.Time.Text with value [Time].[2008]

Selected by name (e.g. Time) The selection is stored in a variable Used with multiple selections

Variable containing a comma separated list of elements from different dimensions. Only one element is allowed from each dimension (e.g. ReportObjects.Slicers.Text with value [Time].[2008].[Product].[All Products])

Selected by name (e.g. Time) Multiple selections as slice-dimensions on database independent reports Multiple selections are not allowed

Variable containing a comma separated list of elements from a single dimension or an MDX function (e.g. ReportObjects.Slicers.Text with value [Time].[2008].[Children]

Variable (e.g.=ReportVariables.VerticalDim.Text) The selection in a variable contains multiple elements or MDX functions Always