Object properties

Objects have properties which you can use to access the information stored in the objects.

The objects, and the syntax for accessing their properties, are:
Object Syntax
List GlobalLists.[list_name].[property_name]
Global variable GlobalVariables.[variable_name].[property_name]
Report variable ReportVariables.[variable_name].[property_name]
ListViews (combo boxes, list boxes, option buttons) ReportObjects.[ListView_name].[property_name]
Hyperblocks ReportObjects.[hyperblock_name].[property_name]

Good practice

Application Studio recognises the type of object by its name and automatically includes the object type in formulas. So, if you type each of these examples into separate spreadsheet cells, the output is the same:

  • =[myvariable].text
  • =ReportVariables.[myvariable].text

However, if you use the first example, and there is a global variable of the same name as the report variable, Application Studio displays an error.

It is good practice to specify the object type explicitly.

Up to three attributes of an object can be accessed. If an object has only one attribute you can refer to it as Attribute or Attribute1.

It is good practice always to specify the attribute number.