Configuring ION integration settings

Nota: Clicking Default button resets the property to the system default value.

Specify ION integration settings.

  1. Open Configuration Manager (CGM).
  2. Select Integration > ION.
  3. Configure the machine settings:
    Select the servers for which Machine settings are relevant. To apply Machine settings to all servers, select DEFAULT. To apply Machine settings to a specific server, select the server name. The default value is DEFAULT.
    Integration message file directory
    The location of the SSC integration message files. The default is %(SunSystems\install.AppDataLocation)%\MessageFiles.
  4. Configure the system settings:
    Days to retain messages in Inbox
    The number of days a message, delivered by ION, is retained in the inbox after processing. The default is 7.
    PurchaseOrder BOD Threshold
    The maximum number of lines in a PurchaseOrder BOD. The default is 1000.
    SalesOrder BOD Threshold
    The maximum number of lines in a SalesOrder BOD. The default is 1000.
    SourceSystemGLMovement BOD Threshold
    The maximum number of lines in each SourceSystemGLMovement BOD. The default is 1000.
    SourceSystemJournalEntry BOD Threshold
    The maximum number of lines in a SourceSystemJournalEntry BOD. The default is 1000.