Mandatory fields: SalesOrder

As sales orders can be tailored to suit customer needs, there are no fields that are always mandatory. The minimum amount of data required for entering sales orders is small. However, you should bear in mind that the actual amount needed to create meaningful orders and to progress those orders is much larger. This is wholly dependent on how your system is configured.

As a guide you will probably find that the following need to be supplied:

  • Sales Definition Code

    payload element: <SalesDefinitionCode>

  • Sales Order Transaction Reference

    payload element: <SalesOrderTransactionReference>

  • Either:
    • User Line Number

      payload element: <LineNumber>

    • Sales Order Line Number

      payload element: <SalesOrderLineNumber>

  • Item Code

    payload element: <ItemCode>

See individual methods for specific field requirements. SalesOrderLineNumber is never mandatory, but depending on the method, you will need either LineNumber or SalesOrderLineNumber.

Generating an Invoice

When generating an invoice, values for one or more of the following elements in the <GenerateInvoiceParams> group may need to be supplied.

  • Consolidation Group Name

    payload element <ConsolidationGroupName>

  • Document Format Code

    payload element <DocumentFormatCode>

  • Invoice Date

    payload element <InvoiceDate>

  • Invoice Period

    payload element <InvoicePeriod>

Nota: At runtime the component validates the payload contents to ensure that the values supplied are correct. Various combinations of values may require other elements in the payload to be specified before the payload can be processed successfully.


Although the payload definition includes the <DemandQuantity> and <OriginalDemandQuantity> elements within the <Line> element, these must not be used when creating or amending the Sales Order Line quantity. Instead, you must provide it in the appropriate Value Label (<VLabnn>) element.

As Value Labels are user-configurable you should confirm that your values are specified in the correct <VLabnn> element before executing your payload. You can determine which element to use via the following steps:

  • Open Sales Type (STS) function in SunSystems.
  • Key the Sales Definition Code and press OK.
  • Click Value; a list of all value labels that exist for the Sales Definition Code is displayed.
  • Open Value Labels (VLB) function in SunSystems; choose the value label you are planning to use. The Value Label Identifier holds the value label number that you should use in your payload.

For example, in the SunSystems demonstration data, Value Label QUANTITY1 is assigned to Value Label 1. If you want to specify a Sales Order Line Quantity in your payload, then specify the quantity value in the <VSolVlabEntry_Val> subelement within <Vlab01>.