Methods: MovementTypes


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of a movement type to Closed.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to create a movement type. If the movement type already exists, an error message is produced and the payload is rejected.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to create one or more draft movement types.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to create or amend one or more movement types. A movement type is created if it does not exist and amended if it does. Whereas the Create and Amend methods depend on you to know whether the data does or does not exist in advance, this method can be used if you are unsure.

Nota: Do not include Stage data in the payload for this method if there are existing Stage records for the transaction type. The update/insert of Stage records is prevented if any Stage data already exists. In this case, Stage records must be created/amended via SunSystems.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to delete one or more movement types.

Nota: You cannot delete a MovementTypes record if child data, such as Stage or Value data, exist. When this occurs, use the DeleteChildData method prior to using the Delete method.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to delete child data (MO Assign Preset, MO Analysis, Value, Stage) but retain the parent record (Movement Type).

It is also possible to delete 'grandchild' data. The deletion of child and grandchild data is controlled by a <DeletionFlag> node at child level. If the flag is set to Y, both child and grandchild is deleted. Otherwise, the child data is retained.

For example, the <Stage> node contains child data, and the <LedgerIFReversal> node contains grandchild data. The <DeletionFlag> node is set to Y, so the <LedgerInterfaceDefinitionCode> data is deleted first, followed by the <Stage> data:

Nota: Stage data must be deleted in reverse order, i.e. you must not delete a stage that is defined as a Sequence on another record.
Nota: A MovementTypes payload that deletes Movement Quantity is invalid and will return the error message "One Movement Quantity must be set per Movement Transaction Type". This is because all Order Fulfilment transaction types must have one value label that is flagged as the Quantity.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of a movement type to Hidden.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of a movement type to Open.


Driver Type: Export

Use this method to obtain movement type details or to extract movement types data from SunSystems.


Driver Type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of a movement type to Suspended/Held.