Mandatory fields: Item

Nota: At runtime the component validates the payload contents to ensure that the values supplied are correct. Various combinations of values may require other elements in the payload to be specified before the payload can be processed successfully.


When creating or amending an item, a value must be supplied for:

  • Item Code - payload element <ItemCode>

When creating or amending item accounts, a value must be supplied for:

Account Recognition Code - payload element <AccountCode>

  • Account Code - payload element <AccountCode>

When creating or amending item analysis, a value must be supplied for:

  • Analysis Code - payload element <VItemCatAnalysis_AnlCode>

When creating or amending item unit of measure, a value must be supplied for:

  • Unit Label Code - payload element <UnitLabelCode>

Nota: Ensure all unit conversions are defined before using the Item component to add Unit Label data. If a conversion is required, but not setup, the import payload will fail.

When creating or amending alternative/superseding items, a value must be supplied for:

  • Alternative/Superseding Item - payload element <AlternativeSupersedingItem >

When creating or amending item serial number formats, a value must be supplied for:

  • Serial Number Format Code - payload element <SerialNumberFormatCode>

When creating or amending item conversions, a value must be supplied for:

  • Conversion Id - payload element <ConversionId>


When creating or amending item characteristics, a value must be supplied for:

  • Characteristic Code - payload element <CharacteristicCode>

When creating or amending item storage characteristics, a value must be supplied for:

  • Storage Characteristic Code - payload element <CharacteristicCode>


When creating or amending an item costs, the following must be supplied:

  • Cost Type Code - payload element <CostTypeCode>

  • Cost Analysis Id - payload element <CostAnalysisId>

When creating or amending an Item user defined costs, the following must be supplied:

  • Cost Type Code - payload element <CostTypeCode>

  • Cost Analysis Id - payload element <CostAnalysisId>

  • User Defined Cost Definition Code - payload element <UserDefinedCostDefinitionCode>


When creating or amending item purchase prices, a value must be supplied for:

  • Sequence - payload element <Sequence>

When creating or amending item selling prices, a value must be supplied for:

  • Sequence - payload element <Sequence>

Deleting Child Data

When deleting child data, a value must be supplied for:

  • Item Code - payload element <ItemCode>

To delete Item Costs data, or establish the key of the User Defined Costs to be deleted, a value must be supplied for:

  • Cost Type Code - payload element <Costs.CostTypeCode>

  • Currency Code - payload element <Costs.CurrencyCode>

    A blank value defaults to the base currency.

  • Transaction Currency - payload element <Costs.TransactionCurrency>

  • Cost Analysis Id - payload element <Costs.CostAnalysisId>

If User Defined Costs is to be deleted, values must also be supplied for:

  • User Defined Cost Definition Code - payload element <Costs.ItemUserDefinedCost.UserDefinedCostDefinitionCode>

  • User Defined Cost Period - payload element <Costs.ItemUserDefinedCost.Period>

    This value is used if not blank.

When deleting Unit Label child data, a value must be supplied for:

  • Unit Label Code - payload element <ItemUOM.UnitLabelCode>

To delete Item Characteristics data, or establish the key of the Discrete Value to be deleted, a value must be supplied for:

  • Characteristic Code - payload element <Characteristics.CharacteristicCode>

If Discrete Value is to be deleted, then depending on whether the Characteristic has Numeric or Alphanumeric Discrete Values, a value must also be supplied from one of:

  • Discrete Value Alphanumeric - payload element <Characteristics.AlphaValues.DiscreteValueAlphanumeric>

  • Discrete Value Numeric - payload element <Characteristics.NumericValues.DiscreteValueNumeric>

When deleting Alternative Item child data, a value must be supplied for:

  • Alternative/Superseding Item - payload element <Alternatives.AlternativeSupersedingItem>

To delete Storage Characteristics data, or establish the key of the Discrete Value to be deleted, a value must be supplied for:

  • Storage Characteristic Code - payload element <StorageCharacteristics.CharacteristicCode>

If Discrete Value is to be deleted, then depending on whether Storage Characteristics has Numeric or Alphanumeric Discrete Values, a value must also be supplied from one of:

  • Discrete Value Alphanumeric - payload element <StorageCharacteristics.AlphaValues.DiscreteValueAlphanumeric>

  • Discrete Value Numeric - payload element <StorageCharacteristics.NumericValues.DiscreteValueNumeric>

When deleting Serial Number child data, a value must be supplied for:

  • Serial Number Format Code - payload element <SerialNoFormat.SerialNumberFormatCode>

When deleting Assign Conversion child data, a value must be supplied for:

  • Conversion Id - payload element <AssignConversions.ConversionId>