Methods: DocumentFormatSetup


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of one or more document format setups to Closed


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to create one or more draft document formats.


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to create or amend one or more document formats. A document format is created if it does not exist, and amended if it does exist.

Nota: It is not possible to amend existing Tax Filters using the CreateOrAmend method. Tax Filter records have unique, system-generated sequence numbers, so running CreateOrAmend with <TaxFilters> data in the payload multiple times would create a new Tax Filter record each time. This would produce multiple Tax Filter records with the same Filter Definition Control Id.


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to delete one or more document formats.

Nota: You cannot delete a DocumentFormat record if child data exists. When this occurs, use the DeleteChildData method prior to using the Delete method.


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to delete child data (Consolidation Rules and/or Tax Filters) but retain the parent record (DocumentFormat).


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of one or more document formats to Hidden.


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of one or more document formats to Open.


Driver type: Export

Use this method to extract document formats from SunSystems.


Driver type: SASI

Use this method to change the status of one or more document formats to Suspended/Held.