Mandatory fields: AccountAllocations

For both methods, a value must be supplied for:

  • Account Code (selection account code) - payload element


The Allocate method requires either to supply the allocation marker payload element:

  • AccountAllocations\NewSettings\AllocationMarker

or both from and to markers used by Action All:

  • AccountAllocations\ActionAllSettings\AllocationMarkerFrom and AccountAllocations\ActionAllSettings\AllocationMarkerTo.

The Update method requires at least one update value to be set - i.e. at least one entry in AccountAllocations\NewSettings.


You can control the allocation processing using these flags:

  • AccountAllocations\FlagOptions\AllowClosedSuspendedAccountCode - if this is set to Y this will allow the allocation if the account code used is closed/suspended.
  • AccountAllocations\FlagOptions\OverrideAllocations - if this is set to Y this will allow you to override any allocations in progress and the allocation process will continue.