Setting up a Blanket Contract

  1. To define a blanket contract use Sales Blanket Contract (SBC) or Purchase Blanket Contracts (PBC).
  2. Specify this information:
    Blanket Contract ID
    The unique identifier for the contract. This is a read-only field and is system generated.
    The status of a blanket contract is either open or closed. You may manually set the status to closed, if the blanket contract is no longer to be used. The system automatically sets the status to open when the contract is created.
    Short Heading
    The short heading.
    The description.
    Lookup Code
    The lookup code.
    Customer/Supplier Code
    The code for the customer/supplier.
    Contract Number
    The customer or supplier's own contract number.
    Item Code
    The code for the item.
    Unit of Sale/Purchase
    Unit that the item is sold or purchased in.
    Total quantity to be sold or purchased to fulfill this blanket contract.
    The price for the individual item. When this is in place, the system takes this price instead of any formulae set up for the item.
    Start Date
    Date for commencement of the contract. If no start date is entered the contract is in force immediately.
    End Date
    Date for cessation of the contract. If no end date is entered the contract continues indefinitely.
    Reconciliation Price
    The price, or charge, to be paid if the quantity on the blanket contract is not fulfilled. This is not enforced by the system, so is for information purposes only.
    Currency Code
    Code for the currency to be used.
  3. Save your changes.