Purchase Types (PTS) - Returns

  1. Specify this information:
    Debit Note
    If this box is checked the transaction is a debit note. This can be used to reverse the ledger in Financials depending on your system.
    Purchase Return Note
    If this box is checked, the Purchase Type is a Purchase Return Note. This will issue inventory, and can also be used to reverse the ledger in Financials depending on your system setup.
    Uwaga: To update inventory during Purchase Return Note processing, you must define a Movement Type of Issue against the stage at which inventory update is to be done. This is done on the Purchase Stage form.
    Reason Code Required
    If this box is checked, when a Debit Note is raised a reason code must be entered.
    Filter Definition Control ID
    The filter definition to be used with the Advanced Generate function in Purchase Return Notes. That is, when the Advanced Generate function is selected on Purchase Return Notes for this Purchase Type, this filter is used.
    Uwaga: You must ensure that the control desk filter used for purchase return notes is created in Filter Designer from the Purchase Control Desk Orders and Invoices function (PMCDPIPO). Also, this function only works correctly if some information from the receipt record is included on the results form, in particular the Receipt ID. The filters named PRN01, and so on, have been designed specifically to facilitate this, and it is recommended that these should be used as a basis for creating new forms for Purchase Return Note generation.
    Default Supplier Return Location
    The location to be used as the default for purchase returns or receipt note rejections of this item. You can define return locations in different functions and these are used in a hierarchy when a purchase return note is raised or a receipt note quantity is rejected.
    For Purchase Return Notes, the system searches for a default return location to be entered on the line automatically. The system searches in the following order and stops when a location is found:
    • User entered location on the line
    • Item Master
    • Purchase Type - that is, this field
    • Supplier
    For receipt note rejections, the system searches for a default return location to be entered on the line automatically. The system searches in the following order and stops when a location is found:
    1. User entered location at inspection
    2. Item Master
    3. Returns Location entered on the Purchase or Movement Type - that is, this field.
    4. Supplier Setup - for receipt notes linked to purchase orders or invoices only.
  2. Save your changes.