Audit Viewer - viewing a summary of audit logs

Audit Viewer enables you to display a summary of events from when you logged on to SunSystems. Click Summary on the toolbar or use Tools > Summary to display the Summary dialog.

The Summary dialog contains four tabs:

  • Connect Server - displays the server name, the time the server was started and the time elapsed since.
  • Transactions - displays the number of transactions started and the number completed.
  • Records - displays the number of records imported, the number of records exported and the number of records that have failed.
  • Components - displays the number of method calls and component method details.

Click Copy to copy all the summary information via the clipboard to a text editor, such as Notepad if required. The summary information is displayed in its entirety and can be sent to a member of technical support who will analyze the contents of the file if necessary.

Click Refresh to refresh the summary details with the latest information.

Click Close to close the dialog.