Warehouse Setup (WHS) - General
Specify this information:
- Address Code
- The address of the warehouse.
- Consignment Warehouse
- If this box is checked the warehouse is treated as a consignment warehouse. A consignment warehouse holds items for a customer or supplier for distribution purposes. For example, the items do not belong to your organization but you charge the customer or supplier a fee for holding and distributing their items. This is also used for duty free or bonded warehouses.
- Default Carrier
- The carrier or supplier to be used as the default for this warehouse.
- Pick Lead Time
- Specifies the amount of lead time required for picking in this warehouse, shown as the number of pick lead time units.
- Pick Lead Time Unit
- Indicates the units of time to be used with the
Pick Lead
Time field for this warehouse. For example, days,
weeks or months.
The inventory can be counted on a random cyclic basis, rather than all items being counted in each inventory count. To set this up enter the number of times a year the Inventory is counted and the frequency that items are included in the count, as follows:
- Inventory Count Cyclic Frequency
The frequency that items are counted each year. For example, if the Inventory Counts Per Year field is set at 12, and this field is set at 4, the item is counted on every third inventory count.
- Inventory Counts Per Year
The number of times a year the inventory is counted.
- Inventory Count Cyclic Frequency
- Data Access Group Code
- The data access group code.
- Save your changes.