ION Workflow Authorization History

Viewing the Workflow Authorization History (WFH)

Use Workflow Authorization History (WFH) to view information about SunSystems transactions that have been sent to ION Workflow for approval or authorization, along with the status of each and, where a response has been received, details of whether the transaction was approved or rejected. You can filter the transactions by Originator, Authorizer, Workflow Code, and by range of dates.

Outstanding approval/authorization requests are displayed with n/a in the Result column, and Msg sent in the Status of Transaction/Batch column. Click Refresh to update the displayed transaction for the latest status.

  • Cancel Authorization or Approval Request

    After an approval or authorization set has been sent, but before it has been dealt with (approved/authorized or rejected) in ION Workflow, you can cancel the set by selecting the relevant Transaction Reference, then clicking Cancel Request. The Result for the transaction set is Cancelled, and the Status is Complete.

  • Resubmit Authorization or Approval Request

    If an approval/authorization set has been cancelled, or if it has been rejected in ION Workflow, you can resubmit it for approval or authorization by selecting the transaction set then clicking Resubmit Request.