Transformation Designer - testing transformations

Once you have validated your transformation you can test it against a file.

In order to use the Test option, you must ensure you have a file of sample data in the source data format. For exports, this is in SSML format (to be transformed to an external format). For imports, this is an external format (to be transformed to SSML format).

  1. Select Test Transformation from the Edit menu in Transformation Designer or click Test a Transformation on the toolbar. The Test a Transformation dialog is displayed.
  2. Click the browse button to locate the test file. The Open dialog is displayed.
  3. Navigate to and select a test file. The test file type must be valid for the transformation you are testing.
  4. Click Open.

    If the transformation is successful, the Test Results window is displayed, showing the input data and the transformed data. Otherwise an error message is displayed. If this is the case, make the relevant corrections and retest.

  5. Click OK to close the window.