Setting up Approvals Tables

Complete the Approvals Tables (ATS) form.
  1. Specify this information:
    Short Heading
    The short heading.
    The description.
    The status.
    Value Type

    The type of value for this approval. The options are:

    • Corresponds to Base Currency - is associated with the base currency.
    • Corresponds to Reporting or 2nd Base Currency - is associated with the reporting or 2nd base currency.
    Value Label Identifier
    The value label to be applied, as defined in Value Labels (VLB). This value label must exist on the order or invoice being approved, and the purchase type this approval table is assigned to. If this value label is not on the purchase order or invoice, this approval table cannot be used.
    In Purchase Type, this value label should be marked as Holds Purchase Value. This field is checked by the system when a line or document is amended in order to determine if this value, and hence this line or document, has changed. If no value label is marked as holding the purchase value, then any amendments to lines or documents are not handled correctly. If another value label is marked as holding the purchase value, then this is acceptable as long as a change to the line or document results in a change to this value. If it does not and, for example, the quantity is changed, the approvals process will not pick up the amendment to the line or document and hence the line or document will not be reset for re-approval if required.
    You can refine the authority limit of an approval further by restricting its application in accordance with the analysis directory structure. A combination of up to three selections are allowed. If a selection from the structure is associated with an analysis dimension, then one of those dimensions can be selected.
    For example, if item analysis is selected as one of the restrictions and this is set up with a dimension to analyze items by grade, then approval can be limited to a particular range of item grades. If, however, Item itself is selected from the directory, no dimension analysis is available, and you would be able to restrict approvals to a range of specific items.
    Approval Type 1-3
    This refers to the analysis directory. You can define up to three combinations of analysis that are used to restrict approvals. For example, up to three combinations of item, product group, warehouse, order line analysis and so on.
    Analysis Dimension 1-3
    Within the chosen directory entries, you can select one range where applicable. For example, from Order Line Analysis, determine which one of several dimensions shall govern the approval.
  2. Save your changes.