Transformation Designer - element parameters - transformation

The root element for a TML document.

<transformation output-encoding="encoding"









output-encoding (optional)

Specifies the character encoding that should be used for the generated output data.

The default for this attribute is UTF-8.

output-system-doctype (optional)
Specifies the name of a document type definition that will be placed in a DOCTYPE element in the generated output.
output-public-doctype (optional)
Specifies the name of the public identifier to use from the document type definition. This attribute is ignored if the output-system-doctype attribute is empty or not provided.
script (zero or more)
Holds user defined functions.
set (zero or more)
Generates fixed value data in the output.
map (zero or more)
Maps data from the input and writes it to the output.
transform (zero or more)
Writes a calculated value to the output.

Example 1


Sets the output year to a fixed value




