Assigning the root directory

It is possible that you do not want users to have access to the entire server where Transfer Desk files are stored. To address this, Server Folder Management specifies a root directory under which all Transfer Desk file activity occurs. The root directory is a shared folder on a Windows server. For example, a root directory could be specified as \\ServerName\SharedFolderName.

Files used by Transfer Desk are uploaded to, or downloaded from, folders created underneath this location.

Uwaga: Only users assigned to the SSC Administrators group in Security Console or User Manager have access to Server Folder Management.

By default, a root directory is not specified by Transfer Desk. You can use Server Folder Management to assign the root directory as follows:

  1. Create a Windows shared folder that is accessible from the SSC server.
  2. From Server Folder Management, select File > Change Root Directory or click Change Root Directory on the toolbar.
  3. Enter a unique name for the root folder. This name is used to identify the root folder directory.
  4. Enter the location of a shared directory for the root folder directory.
  5. Click OK.
    Uwaga: You can also use Change Root Directory to change the existing location of the root directory.