Integration Settings

The following properties control aspects of ION-based integration between SunSystems and other products; you may wish to change them in Configuration Manager (CGM) to suit the individual requirements of your integration(s):

Property Location in CGM Setting
Logical Id Integration > Common > Logical Id This defaults to lid://infor.sunsys6 and must be changed to exactly match the Logical ID defined for this instance of SunSystems in its ION Connection Point in ION Desk. Leave the prefix lid:// in place before the Logical ID. For example, if the Logical ID for this installation of SunSystems in ION Desk is infor.sunsys6.sunlivesystem, you should enter lid://infor.sunsys6.sunlivesystem in this property.
Tenant Id Integration > Common > Tenant Id  
BOD size - Purchase Order Integration > ION > PurchaseOrder BOD Threshold The maximum number of lines in each PurchaseOrder BOD.
BOD size - Sales Order Integration > ION > SalesOrder BOD Threshold The maximum number of lines in each SalesOrder BOD.
BOD size - Balances Integration > ION > SourceSystemGLMovement BOD Threshold The maximum number of lines in each SourceSystemGLMovement BOD.
BOD size - Journals Integration > ION > SourceSystemJournalEntry BOD Threshold The maximum number of lines in each SourceSystemJournalEntry BOD.
InBox retention days Integration > ION > Days to retain messages in Inbox The number of days for messages to be retained in the Inbox, before they are deleted.
File location Integration > ION > Integration message file directory The location of a file containing business unit names and associated Calendar IDs.