Running Process Payloads from Transfer Desk
There are several ways you can use process input payloads using Transfer Desk, depending on whether or not you want to run a process on a regular basis. For example, you might run the DaybookListing process every day, the FinancialStatements process at month end and an InventoryRevaluation only when you need to.
Regularly Run Processes
For processes that you run regularly, you can first create a skeleton input payload with all elements left empty.
Now create a Transfer Desk Profile and enter values for those elements that do not change from run to run, for example Business Unit; set them to overridable in the Profile in case you need to change them subsequently at runtime. Those elements that do change from run to run, such as date ranges or account numbers for example, you can leave blank in the Profile and set to overridable.
To run the process, specify the name of the skeleton input file previously created, as input and enter the particular runtime parameters for that run. These are usually for the elements that you left blank on the Profile. These runtime values then override whatever you set up previously when you created the Profile.
This has the advantage that you only need to create a single input payload for the process, without having to create a payload file for each run. Alternatively, you can create separate input files if you prefer to do so.
Ad Hoc Processes
You run these processes only when necessary. As for regularly run processes, you create a skeleton input payload with all elements left empty.
Now create a Transfer Desk Profile and enter the runtime values for the elements. You can either set them to overridable in the Profile in case you need to change them subsequently when you are ready to run the process. Alternatively, you can set then to non-overridable if someone else will be submitting the process and you want to ensure that the correct values are used.
In Transfer Desk, specify the input payload file for the process and use Transfer Desk to run the process.