ApprovalTables - methods


Driver Type: SASI

This method creates an approval table if it does not exist already and amends it if it does.

Uwaga: The CreateOrAmend method identifies existing records using these fields:
  • ApprovalTables.Levels.LimitAmount
  • ApprovalTables.Levels.AnalysisCodeBasis1From
  • ApprovalTables.Levels.AnalysisCodeBasis1To
  • ApprovalTables.Levels.AnalysisCodeBasis2From
  • ApprovalTables.Levels.AnalysisCodeBasis2To
  • ApprovalTables.Levels.AnalysisCodeBasis3From
  • ApprovalTables.Levels.AnalysisCodeBasis3To

If the payload values for these fields do not match existing record values then a new record is created. Therefore to amend one of the identifying values, for example, LimitAmount, you must delete the existing record then create a new one.


Driver Type: Export

You can use this method to obtain approval table details or to extract approval table data from SunSystems.